“The world doesn't have to end; it could go on but unless we stop violating the Earth and nature, depleiting the great mother of her material energy, her organs, her vitality; unless people stop working against the Great Mother, the world will not last.”
- Kogis Mamos
We at Koguis have profound respect for this philosophy. In the same way we respect the resources of the planet by being less wasteful. We are conscious about how much we can change over time with even small efforts.
Embracing Fair trade philosophy, we trade directly with the indigenous and master artisans back in Colombia. We buy from them handicrafts of incredibly high quality, traditional techniques and traditions passed on trough generations of artisans within different regions within Colombia.
Doing this gives them a fair chance of a better living, to improve their life styles and be able to provide a better way of life for their families. This is our axial point. Also showing the beauty of the Colombian handicrafts, the positive side, the one the world doesn't know about and the one which actually means the hope for the colombian people.
The name Koguis comes from the tribal name Kogis or Kaggabbas (meaning “Jaguar” in Kogi language) They are the last descendants of the Tayrona native american Culture. They are amongst the few remaining Pre-Columbian civilizations still surviving within the LatinAmerica.
They call themselves the Elder Brothers who live in their sacred land of Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. They refer to this region as “the Heart of the World”. They call us who do not live in the Sierra Nevada the Younger Brothers. They believe in The Great Mother and the Earth as a living being like us. They are desperately calling our attention to acknowledge the negative way we are taking resources and destroying the Great Mother. Their philosophy and manifesto drives us on.
Fairtrade is about giving back and fairness. Is about to pay the fair price the artisans demand for their works acordance with the effort and amount of time an item has taken to be finished and how this people are involved within their communities, in many cases to reinvest the money back in their own community, village, town, city or specific country.to live. Give them the opportunity to succeed from their work and not to live forever in poverty, exploitation,desperation and ignorance. These days is clear you have many choices to be able to frame business within the ethical concept of Fairtrade.
In our opinion we all have the responsability to help people around the globe who live in extreme disadvantage and who are the ones with the bigger numbers in population while the favoured ones doesn't seem to go up. We all have a big task in doing the right thing right now. We do have to commit to care for the planet, its resources and the people who struggle every day.
We all have struggles but there are abismal differences in many circunstances. We can't think just in us. Giving back makes you feel good, while you consciously ackowledge the benefits of your little or big efforts impact on others in the positive side.
We besides Indigenous communities in Colombia, favoured the work of women's in disadvantadge situations, or in charge of their families.
The internationally agreed definition of fair trade is:
“A trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalised producers and workers.”
Fair trade makes a life-changing difference to the lives of millions of developing country farmers, workers and artisans as well as their families and communities.
Fair trade organisations backed by consumers actively support producers, raise awareness and campaign for change to the rules and practice of conventional international trade which traditionally disadvantages the poorest, weakest producers in the supply chain.
Fair trade is about promoting equality of gender, no child labour, fair terms of trade for the workers and artisans, local sustainibility, decent working conditions, supporting Indigenous communities and people in disadvantaged positions
For more information on fair trade and how you can get involved visit the Fair Trade Association of Australia & New Zealand website: www.fta.org.au/